Active Projects
The teachers-network.com is currently under develoipment (in alpha test) and is a collaborative environment for the creation and maintenance of open source curriculum frameworks with special emphaiss on STEM and computer science training. Open sourced support materials including student mobile applications, presentation material, video tutorials, and other digital material will be hosted as needed. Future additions will include Learning Management System (LMS) integration, coding tools and electronic design tools.
Work on the prototype site (szteachers.com) begain in 2010 with work transitioning over to teachers-network.com in 2018. All work is being performed under the Jade Connections umbrella utilizing the Jade datacenter services. During this period also provided tutoring for students from primary school age through adult in the areas of English, Critical Thinking, Math, and Science. This included test preparation (college level) and writing (university level).

Jade Connections was established in 2004 as an Internet consulting and services company focusing on delivering Internet system and network solutions. This includes the design, deployment, audit, capacity planning, security and monitoring of enterprise class servers, services, and networks. Hosting services for DNS, Electronic Mail, Web VoIP and dedicated customer servers. Consulting services are offered in the areas of system and network planning, system and network administration, software development, business and technical writing, and training. Prior to May, 2018 information was maintained across three corporate sites however this was condensed into one site for simplicity. More information can be found in the Jade Connections About Page.
Past Projects

SZTeachers was designed to be a new type of education site combining electronic learning with advanced social networking, collaboration tools, and a wealth of public education related information. The focus was on providing a fun and clean environment where students and teachers can interact with each other while at the same time providing the tools necessary to build effective online learning environments. The prototype site is mostly functional with the exception that the LMS has yet to be integrated. Work on this site stopped as it was becoming clear that a workable model (financial and otherwise) involving mainland China was not going to happen anytime soon. We are seriously considering however resuming this effort on one of our non-China centric educational domains.

Operation for MONIC, the Internet domain name registry for Macau was transferred to HNET in March 2011. Organized the initial team of people from both Hong Kong and Macau which resulted in the creation of the winning government proposal and JV company formation. Built and deployed the initial systems. See resume for further details of past involvement. Currently working with MONIC on a retainer basis to assist in the operation of the MONIC network as needed.

RegainAmerica is an open collaborative/distributed authoring environment dedicated to effecting positive change on the local, state and national levels (USA). The first phase of this free collaborative environment will empower members to freely voice their concerns on issues that are important to them. More importantly the goal of RegainAmerica is to provide a platform where people can not only freely exchange ideas and views, but work together to effect real change. RegainAmerica began as a memory - of the way things used to be in America, and the belief that by working together we can regain the greatness that once was America. Specifically, RegainAmerica is a new multi-functional community website that empowers people working both individually and collectively - to change the present status quo and Regain America. Development for RegainAmerica is currently on hold but expected to resume later in 2015. More information can be found in the RegainAmerica About Page.

PinoyTalk was designed with the initial live system launch at the end of 2005. Focusing on the Philippine market, it served as a functional prototype for future highly integrated social networking sites. The Philippines was chosen due to its close proximity to Hong Kong, very low costs of promotion, maturity in terms of use of social networks, and existing infrastructure (very low startup costs). The initial PinoyTalk services included email, chat rooms, forums, distribution lists (currently inactive), games, basic meeting point, and a place-holder for an online store. Future releases were designed to include the following additional services:
- Phase Two - Addition of Image Galleries, 2nd phase meeting point, initial calendaring / scheduling (private data), notepad, and mobile synchronization.
- Phase Three - Addition of File Storage, Classified Ads, meeting point (final), calendaring / scheduling (public data).
PinoyTalk is not currently operational (just a home page) however we are considering reviving it as soon as a viable revenue model can be established.

International Messaging Associates (IMA) was an Internet software company specializing in corporate electronic messaging solutions. I co-founded IMA in 1993 in the San Francisco bay area, moving the company to Hong Kong in May 1994. Philippine operations were established December 1997. IMA's customers ranged from large corporate and government organizations to small businesses and included organizations such as the United States Senate, IRS, White House, United Nations, The Red Cross, Financial Times, Minolta, Sony, and many others. Served as Managing Director where I was responsible for market research, product development and daily operations. Acted as chief architect for the Internet Exchange Messaging Server, a corporate server email platform. Guided the company through a successful private funding placement in 1999.